11 Nov 2006 

Games started at 14h00 with the election of generals/captains/teams… The main game playing started at 15h15. The main game ended on achievement of the objective - Capture of the prize, and holding it at their flag for 30 minutes.– This was won by Alpha/Bravo Companies  - This Game was FREE to Club Members, but  cost R50 per player range fee for non members. All were press-ganged into providing a prize (cooldrinks and other) Many thanks to all who brought prizes along, Chocolates/USB Modem/Packets of Chips/Pens etc, far to numerous to mention, but thanks nevertheless!!

A Second game was played with a second prize bundle being placed at the first losing teams base, they had to retreat to base and defend for 30 min, well done guys-u made it!

Elected Generals: Rob (Cameron/Stuart’s Father) / AllY (General M’am Sir!!!)

Nicely Done RobH-U survived being interrogated by the enemy general (while everyone ROFL)

Rules and twists we played to:

Twist-North was rotated 90deg on the map! (this took BAZ a bit of time to get to grips with!

Rules of Engagement:

There will be 2 Generals, 4 Captains, 4 Squads in total. Each General will be in charge of 2 squads of troops. The captain of each squad will be the radio operator and relay info from his general to his squad. Each General will be sitting across the same table from each other with a common battle map between them. Each general will be able to see  what the other’s projected moves are, but he may NOT relay these to his troops - He may only use the words “enemy in the area” and NOT give the exact location or direction of where the enemy is - THIS WILL BE MONITORED CLOSELY - IF A GENERAL IS FOUND TO BE CHEATING, HE WILL FORFEIT A MOVE FOR EACH INSTANCE!!

Each Captain will have a “Battle Map” which is marked off in a grid, the general will give instructions via radio as to how each of his squads must advance or retreat-MAXIMUM of 2 Blocks on the grid per move. The captain must radio back when he has reached his destination and may give the general intel on troop and enemy movements in his area, but he may only relay this info once he has completed his move. If  someone has been shot, they must return to the safe area for a 5 minute penalty. If a captain is hit, his squad must remain in their current position and defend it until he returns. Troops and Captains may talk to the general and relay specific info / be debriefed while in “Hospital” When a player returns from hospital, he must walk with his gun up and not enter combat until he has reported to his captain. Troops may not switch squads during the game.

REMEMBER: The battle maps are only an approximation of the terrain, and captains should radio back as to the position of landmarks to assist his general with the planning. Observe Radio Courtesy and wait for radio traffic to finish before you relay info to your general. Captains may only speak to generals and not to each other! Generals may only give instructions via radio to their own squads, one squad per move!

ALSO: there is only ONE radio that will be shared between the 2 generals, everybody is on the same frequency, so everyone can hear all instructions…..Captains must use initiative as to squad formations…..but they MUST obey the General and go to their instructed grid reference to complete each move, a new move may not be initiated until the previous move is completed!