10 Jun 2006 

General’s Nest:

One team has a general bunkered down behind a heavy machine gun nest, they also have cover, a sniper and a soldier or two to help…….Can you take them out?


To assist, you have a light machine gun and a medic to tend to your fallen…….can you make the grade? You are also working against the clock!!


Adapted from Brad’s suggestions and a bit of construction by Warrior!


The day went off well with about 20 active players participating, Brad, of course, was elected machine gunner for the first game….(I hope this doesn’t influence future suggestions for club games from him.


Everybody eased into a mellow, tactical game with lots of brainpower being used….for some reason, nobody was overly interested in suicidal storming tactics….I wonder why?


The second game of the day was a capture the flag scenario, with a twist…..There was an unmanned machine gun post at each base that ANYBODY could use….again the play was very tactical and stealthy, those machine guns obviously posed quite a threat, regardless if someone was behind them or not!


After the games, about 10-15 members and family stayed for the social and braai….Also an HONOURED GUEST FROM N.Z. !!


Please note Rob H’s Sexy Bike….unfortunately Andy’s bike was up @ the house and I forgot to photograph it……..