14 July 2007 - The Wreck Yard

14 July 2007 - The Wreck Yard

Entry  was via Border Towing Main Gate, we played in their vehicle receiving yard, 30x40m, the first of 5 games started at 15h00, finishing at 17h00, followed by a braai and social at the main field.


In all there were 39 players participating in the first game, which was a “drop type” scenario with respawn at base.


The objective of the game was to collect a cone at center-field and get it to the enemy base. If marked, you had to drop the cone and return to your own base to respawn. Anybody could collect the cone and continue.



Add 40 players to a 30x40m playing field,

Add 25 to 30 car wrecks as hard cover,

Mix with liberal quantities of paint and gas -

Result: CHAOS with plenty of smiles!