14h00 to 14h30: Arrival and Team Selection, special requests can be accommodated for existing player groups who wish to remain together. Late arrivals will be allocated a team by the Marshall-in Charge.

14h30 to 15h00: Teams select their Base Location and set up Camp - Masks not required, no playing as yet. Late arrivals will continue to be allocated a team by the Marshal-in-charge.

15h00 to 18h00: Games Begin - First set of Assets to be Handed out and Captured - Masks to be worn this entire time -

Assets: Ammo / Braai Packs / Cooldrink 6 Packs

18h00 to 20h30: Supper Break - Communal Fire for Cooking, social and braai, softdrinks only - No playing during this time.

20h30 to 23h00: Night time Objectives to be handed out and Captured - Masks to be worn this entire time

Assets: Ammo / Sundowners / Refill Vouchers

23h00 to 01h00: Late night sundowners around the fire, Masks not required, no more playing until next event. Prize Draw for qualifying participants.

07h00 till 08h00: Morning Assets Handed out and Captured - Masks to be worn this entire time -

Assets: Bacon and Eggs / White Gold / Refill Vouchers

08h00 to 09h00: Breakfast - Communal Fire for Cooking, social and braai, softdrinks only - No playing during this time.

09h00 till 10h00: Capture the Flag - East vs West - The ultimate Winners! - 1 hour to be played, as many games as is possible.

10h00 to 10h30: Beverage Break

10h30 till 12h00: Short course games to use up residual ammo.

12h00 to 14h00: Clean up and knock down camps…...limp home…...massage aching muscles…..sleep….should you wish, fires can be made lit for a relaxing braai…..you’ll need it!