Game Format:


Each senior rank (General ) in the team was issued with a map of the area that was to be updated with “Assets” as they are placed. These maps were be sought after by the enemy to capture your “Assets”. Assets were issued to teams on a progressive basis. You may not utilise your own assets, they are for your enemy to capture!

General - Has All assets Listed on his map - Most Valuable. General - Identified by being in possession of Silver Pistol. Examples of Assets: 100/150/500Ammo packs / Co2 Gas Packs/Refill voucher / 6-packs of Cooldrinks / Braai Packs / Bacon and Eggs


On capturing an asset, it had to be taken to your general and it may be distributed or used by a single player at the general’s discretion, either immediately or after the game. ASSETS MAY NOT BE RECAPTURED BY THEIR ORIGINAL TEAM, AN ASSET MUST BE IN POSSESION OF THE GENERAL OR THE PLAYER THAT CAPTURED IT, IT MAY NOT BE PASSED FROM PLAYER TO PLAYER.

Each Set of Assets had to be captured before the next game - Should a team be unable to capture an Asset in the allotted time, it was forfeited to Hospital/Admin area and the next set of assets were handed out.

The Assets had to be placed by an officer and had to be clearly marked on the Generals map. An asset may not be moved during the game until it is captured by the enemy. That asset may only be moved by the enemy. It may not be re-placed by the defending forces. A player in possession of an asset at the time of being shot, must take the asset with him to hospital. If an asset was in “hospital” at the end of the game, it was forfeited. Objective is reached when the assets in play for that game have been taken to the base of the capturer. That asset is no longer in play and may not be recaptured. Should a stalemate occur and game time run out, the uncaptured assets were to be returned to the Hospital Safe Area and were forfeited.
