13/14 May 2006 - WEEKEND WAR!

This date was chosen because May has had the lowest  number of rainy days and the second lowest average rainfall for the last 30 years, it did not prove to be wrong!


This was a scenario event starting at 14h00 on Saturday 13 May 2006 and finishing at 14h00 on 14 May 2006, format, costing and rules was as follows:


About 40 Players attended with about 30 staying over and camping for the second day’s games.


Cost of booking was R50.00, R20 of which was entered into a prize kitty for club members.


Main Prize Winners:

Andre K. - P.E. - 1st Prize - Cash R500

Oliver B. - E.L. - 2nd Prize - Cash R300

JP - E.L. 3rd Prize - Liqueur


Team and Individual Prizes Handed Out:

R200.00 Braai Pack x 2

Blade Ammo - 2 Boxes

Breakfast Packs x 2



Game Format

The Player List -Here!

Background Info - Here!

Pictures - Here!

Special Thanks to Andre/Gawie and the Blade Crew for Prize Sponsorship, Mike H for assistance with the Braai Supplies, Jo, Jay, Edwin, Alex, Nikki and ALL who assisted with the prep and labour, marshalling and putting up with all of my ess aitch one tee in the prelude to this game!

Player Comments  - Here!

Web Resolution Pictures - Full Collection  -Here!