Hobbiton Road Trip - 21/22 May 2005 - Closed Group at Hobbiton -

4 Players/Instructors  - Offsite Training and Specifications for range and scenario setup. Various scenarios were discussed with site inspections in the beautiful Hogsback area being visited. Sunday morning saw Instructor Julian taking some practical training with some Visitors on the shooting range. He even volunteered to be a human target and proved that the kids could shoot quite well!  The weekend went off very well, with 2 instructors getting some “hands on” experience with their markers. 2 short games were played on Sunday afternoon. The first game was played in the “Maze”. This gave the future snipers a taste of what it is like to be hunted by an opponent, adrenaline was flowing strongly with both players ending up with the shakes after the game! The second game was played on the other extreme, a field with only small ground  contours for cover. This demonstrated the versatility of this sport and the ability to make use of any natural cover available. Julian got the upper hand in both games, not to be outdone though, Alecia dealt out some excellent shots, the shot of the day being a “clean break” on Julian’s visor, This lady is a crack shot and will do well in the proposed sniping positions we surveyed. Many thanks to the staff and management for your superb hospitality, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and hope to return in the future to test your scenarios!