12 March 2005 - Realistic


Large Ground area game - Bushy Terrain. Area Approx 4Ha. 2 Teams to be selected on the day of play 12h30 for 13h00. 2 Flags will be positioned in the play area, these positions will be unknown to the  players involved. GPS’s will be issued to each team to locate the flags. Each team will be divided into 2 squads, with a radio for each squad.


Skills required: Radio operation / Bushcraft / GPS Navigation.


Game Time Limit: Capture the flag and hold it for 30 minutes minimum. 1 game per flag, 2 games to be played.


Rules: Realistic play. If marked on the arm,  you may not use that arm for the rest of the game. If marked on the leg, you may not walk without assistance. If hit anywhere else or hit twice on any limb, you become a non-participating spectator.


Medic: None


After the main Game,  small bush course games to use residual ammo and social gathering for club members.