Blind Raiders


This is a team building exercise of note!


The entire contingent splits into 2 man teams, each team has one gun.


The gunner is blindfolded and the navigator has to instruct him by voice and touch as to what to do. The navigator may NOT touch the gunners’ arms to guide the shooting. The navigator places a hand on each of the gunners’ shoulders from behind to guide.  The navigator must guide the gunner to cover and through the battle.


When either party is hit, they withdraw from battle and retire. The winner is a last man standing type scenario. You may not leave when out of ammunition, you may only  retire when marked. This scenario is played as up to 3 sets, each person getting a chance to act as navigator and gunner, should there be 2 different teams winning the first 2 sets, they pit their skills against each other in the final round.


This game is NOT for the faint of heart and anyone marshalling must expect to get hit!


Game type: Teambuilding

# of Players: 6+ (even #)

Game time limit: 30 min

Paint: min 50 rounds each

Winner: last team standing

Leave game when hit or time limit reached

Cover: Natural Vegetation.

Medic: None