Chopper Attack -

How it works: This is an add-on for any scenario with a twist or two…..There can be up to 2 “Helicopters” on the field for troop transport and observation during the game.


The helicopters consist of a pilot who is CLEARLY marked and he can carry up to 6 passengers at any time. The pilot may not fire and may not be fired on after he has taken off, until he lands.


This allows for reconnaissance and transport sorties by the pilot while flying solo, he can shout positions back from the “air” to his team.


The pilot is classed as “in the air” when he is standing or walking upright with his gun pointed up. When crouched (hovering), he may not fire but can be fired on, when kneeling (landed) he may return fire. i.e. he can be taken down when taking off, landing or hovering.


To “carry” passengers, the passengers must simply place a hand on the pilot’s shoulder and they are considered to be aboard (he has to land (kneel) or hover (crouch) to drop or pick up passengers).


The advantage of hovering is that it is quicker and easier to take to the air (stand), but the disadvantage is that the pilot may not return any fire and yet he can get fired on. The advantage of landing (kneeling) is that the pilot can now issue return fire, but it takes a few sometimes crucial seconds to stand up (take off) where he can get taken out.


If there are more than 2 passengers, they may form a “train” with the pilot at the head. No passenger may shoot or be shot at while “in the air” and aboard the helicopter. When the pilot is hit, he must go to a marshal who will then wipe the hit and return him to his team as a standard trooper.


Pilots will respawn at random under the marshal’s discretion, so take note: Understand the role of the pilot before the game starts, you might be called on for air duty during the game!!!!


The winning condition depends on the number of players involved, the first 2 games will possibly be a one shot kill scenario with respawning on subsequent games, even capture the flag within the time limit to win. Because of the reconnaissance aspect, this will probably be a larger field than usual, provided there are enough players.


A further option that is available, is to have marshal involvement on a team, i.e. each team is allocated a marshal who is their pilot. This scenario of course means that marshals, while taking part, are not actively involved in the fighting and as such must not be specifically targeted during the landing/takeoff. The marshal will be unarmed and in a pilot role only!


Idea Submitted By: Ben Bothma