Team capture the Tag:


Field setup as follows:

Triangular/Square field pending 2,3 or 4 teams. Each field side of equal length.

Each corner or side is a base. Colours of your own choosing (eg: Red, Blue, Yellow)

Each base has a container to hold tags, 2,3 or 4 coloured tags, of the same base colour, at each base.


Team size:

Maximum team sizes of 5 players each.



The aim of the game is to be the team with the most tags on the board at the end of the time limit. This includes the team tags. If a tie condition occurs between two teams, then the team with the most enemy tags wins.


Rules of play:

Maximum time allowed is 30 / 60 / 90 minutes.

Maximum ammunition limit per player is 1,2 or 3 hoppers full.

A player may only carry one tag at a time.

Team tags may not be removed from the team container by their own team members.

Respawn rules apply. (Player must return to his base and touch it to respawn.)

Team markings should be made with team coloured cloth, tied to the hopper neck on the marker.

If a player is shot while carrying a tag, then the shot player must surrender the tag to the attacker. If the tag is of the attackers colour, it must be returned to base before the attacker can re-enter the game. If the attacker is already carrying a tag, they must pass a tag to a friendly player who does not have a tag before they may return to base.


Marshal requirements:

Ideally, 1 marshal per team is required, plus one center or roving marshal. One at each base or standing on each side of the field.

Fewer marshals may be used by placing the marshals, ‘free to roam’, in the centre field


Optional punishment rule: (for rule violation)

The player can be re-coloured to fall into a struggling team. Once that player has captured a tag for that team, he may return to the marshal and be re-assigned back to his original team.


Skills required: Team co-operation / Communication / Threat identification / Outright sneakiness! (Within the rules of course!)

                                                                             Submitted By Andy Y