

You exit the jungle, almost home, your base is ahead, your four man team is dog tired, all that you can think of is some well earned r&r.


100m to go to comfort, then the unthinkable happens. A sniper has set up between you and home base. You can't summon help. No-one else knows.


There is only one thing to do—take him out!


Game type: Fun

# of Players: Sniper + 4

Rules: Put your mark on the sniper to take his place

Game time limit: 15 to 30 min

Paint: 50 rounds each

Winner: last man in as sniper.

Leave game when paint is finished or time limit reached

Cover: Sniper well covered/camouflaged, positioned in corner of field, no shots from rear.

Attackers _ minimal ground cover

Medic: Available, attacker returns to start when marked.