Capture the flag!

The objective is to take possession of the opposing team's flag and get it back to your own base without getting marked. Your team cannot score if you get the opposing team's flag to your base and your flag is no longer in your possession. If you get marked while carrying the flag, you are to drop it and leave it there for any other player to collect.


If you are playing with a medic:

You must drop the flag and call for medic when marked. If you are playing with a medic area you must drop the flag and go to the medic area to clean the mark. When marked and you drop the flag, you may not hide it or tell anyone where it has been dropped. You may not mark anyone or provide verbal or visual support while you are waiting for a medic to treat you. On your way to the medic area, you must be escorted by a marshall to the correct medic area, you are no longer in the game and remain so until either your time penalty or other criteria are met as decided at start of game.


If you are not playing with medic or medic area:

One direct mark on any part of the body, equipment, clothes or gun is classed as a "kill" and you have to leave the game immediately. If every member of the opposing team is marked, your team has won.


When entering or leaving the game, your marker/gun must be pointed vertically upwards. Any player marking an "in transit player" will be considered as having a "negative kill" and will have to pay the penalty as if they had been marked.


Game type: Fun / Skill / Speed / Leadership

# of Players: 4+ per side

Game time limit: 2 hrs

Paint: min 50 rounds each

Winner: Last team standing / Team in possession of both flags at their own h.q.

Leave game when paint is finished or time limit reached

Cover: Natural Vegetation / Barrels

Medic: Optional: none/medic/medic area.




Defector Rule: The Marshall in Charge may call on a player to defect, this means that the player called must leave his team and join the other team immediately. This is for “friendly fun” games to prevent one-sided play and to enhance the fun.